Saturday, January 15, 2011

Oh Obsidium Shuffle

WHEW!  I just got done buying over 400 stacks of Obsidium Ore.  It was going for like 63/stack so I'm gonna use it to shuffle to chanting mats and green gems to sell for the JC daily.  This has been pretty lucrative for me so far, so I took a chance on this and spent more than 20k picking up all this ore.  I've never bought in such volume before, so this mass scale will be something new.  Hopefully it'll turn out well and I'll double what I spent as my handy little spreadsheet predicts!

I had a fantastic selling day yesterday, I had almost 30k in income (which I spent through the day on herbs and such) and I ended up at 76k before I went on my Obsidium spree.  Now I'm down to about 54k, so not too bad.

I'm really kinda excited at buying so much stuff at one time, I feel like I just passed a milestone. ^^

Also, I LOVE Saturday mornings.  This is the only time I can find deals this good with any reliability. =)


Sold 20 of the Greater Essences I got from DEing already, and was pleased to find that the dust market went back up while I was sleepin'. =D  So posted some dust and essences (various types and differing stack sizes for them all) and hopefully those will sell fairly fast too since I've got a ton of them to sell.


Sold a 10 stack of Nightstone and a few singles so far, along with some Hessonite I put up instead of crafting to DE.  I'll have to keep putting a few of those up for levelers, but the ones I prospected today are gone already.

I hadn't been doing my JC quest until a few days ago (as I had completely forgotten about it) but tomorrow I'll have enough to get my first metagem cut!  I'll probably go with Austure, as it seems to have the fewest sellers and is selling for a good price.  Plus even if it doesn't sell well I'll still need it to cut my tank meta.


Hessonite all also sold, along with a bunch of dust. =)  It's moving faster than I'd hoped, so I'll be prospecting some more tonight.  I'd been afraid that it'd take me weeks to put all I got out in the market, but I've sold a good quarter of what I got from the 1k ore I prospected this morning, so I'm quite hopeful. On the downside, I don't think I've ever seen one of my blue pieces move and am unsure if I should just DE them or what.  I suppose I'll keep listing them for now and see if they're just really slow moving.

What do you do with your blue jewelry?  If you sell it, how long does it usually take to see it move?  I've had 6 or so up for the past few weeks with nothing so far.

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